Key terms:
Simultaneous Contrast- The area of darkest dark adjacent to the lightest light, thereby enhancing the power of the other. This area will draw the eye first and have the most force in an artwork visually.
Local Value- The actual overall value of the object (for example blue jeans are medium value, and a white cup is high value) Corresponding values within the object will relate to this (shadows will be darker in blue jeans versus the shadows in a white cup)
Halftone- The intermediary tones or middle values, not the highlights or darkest shadows. Think Light Halftones and Dark Halftones.
Halation- An effect of placing an opposite value in the background (negative space) adjacent to that value area of the subject (positive space).
Sfumato- A Leonardo Da Vinci term used to describe a blending of values in transition. The word has connotations of "Smoky" in Italian. "Without lines or borders in the maner of smoke, or beyond the focus plane"- Da Vinci
Chiaroscuro- A term broadly understood to describe the strong contrast in illumination between light and dark in an artwork. In Italian it translates to "light-dark". It also has a reference to light INdark.




R. Tweedy

Kathe Kollwitz

Kathe Kollwitz

Robert Longo
Student Example
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